Tuesday, March 27, 2012

(Officially) New Beginnings

What's better than coming home, after a long day at school, to a nice apple pie?
(The day after I make my blog? How odd... It's like they know.)
So, it's now official. I am going to Japan. August 2012 to June 2013.
It's kinda funny. Before today, when I would talk about my plans to go to Japan, I would say things like "If things go right, I'll leave this August", and I would still be considering what I would have to do if I were to still be in Canada. (School and such)
But now, I don't have to plan for much of anything past the glorious second month of summer vacation. I can say "I leave this August". I can actually start worrying about not being able to see all of my friends (It really is going to suck.). I can get excited for the things I might get to see and do.
I always felt like my life was one that was meant to stay boring and uneventful. Maybe the fact that I was that fat kid with no dreams other than beating the next temple in Zelda made me feel like that, but now that my dream is coming true, I see otherwise. It truly is a great feeling knowing that you're about to do something amazing with your life.

Lol emotional spheals. Anyways, my next task is to write a letter in Japanese so EIL can get a better idea of how efficient I am with Japanese.
I'll be sure to keep you guys posted on the going-ons :3


  1. Congrats!
    I didn't write my letter in Japanese xD
    the 4 of us from Canada could barely speak (let alone write) in Japanese. We are all horrible at it xD
    So I didn't write it. LOL!
    Congrats again!

  2. Thanks! :D
    Well, in my application, I wrote it in English, but I guess since I've been taking classes for over a year, they want to kinda test me Japanese.
    In the email, Wendy said
    "In addition to your acceptance, our partner there has asked that you write a letter in Japanese. ... They will be assessing your level of Japanese with this letter, but don’t worry, it’s not a test."
