Sunday, December 9, 2012

I made mochi!

Today, I went to a near-by park with my host mom where they were making mochi.
Mochi is a sort of sticky/chewy rice cake that is made by pounding a special type of rice with a wooden mallet in a big mortar. It's typically made/eaten around New Years, but is also available year-round.

That's not me, but that's what I did

After watching how it's done, I took my shot at making mochi.
How it works, is one person wets the pre-mochi mass of sticky rice stuff, and the other person pounds it with a hammer (this whole sentence is one giant innuendo just waiting to happen). You do this quite a few times, and then the finished mochi gets taken off to be cut into smaller pieces and filled with things like anko (red bean paste), or be topped with flavored powders.
Since the mass of sticky rice is sticky, the mallet gets stuck and you end up getting tired pretty quickly. But it's awesome, because you get to smash stuff with a big hammer!

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