Saturday, October 13, 2012

Birfday and Taiikutaikai

So yesterday (October 12th) was my school's sports festival (Taiikutaikai: 体育大会).
There is a center area where people do various events (kind of like Track-and-Field day, but more fun).
I was a part of Kibasen, which is where there are groups three people are on bottom, supporting a person on top. The bottom people move to other groups and try to take their hat (see: here). It got pretty intense, but it was SO much fun. The day in general was fun and exciting. It was a good day to just talk with other students.

The festival was also like a giant birthday party. (segue)
It was also my birthday yesterday. Me and some friends went to an arcade after the festival. There were even presents! Most of which were K-ON related (which I am very okay with)
After the arcade, I went home and had cake with the host family. They're really awesome.

Yesterday was a very good day. I hope there are more like it.

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