Schools going good so far. I'm starting to meet more people.
Classes are nigh impossible to
Everyone is really nice though, even the scary gym teacher.
As said, I've been meeting people. On the weekend, me and a bunch of people from school got together at Sannomiya (the sort of 'shopping district' of Kobe). I met some awesome people here. We tried to go to karaoke, but it was expensive and getting late, so we just took purikura and ate sweets.
Funny story: My Japanese friend who I met in Canada is in Kobe (not even a 15min walk from my house) for a few months. He's originally from this area, so I have him to show me the ropes :D
Other stuff:
Kyoto was pretty amazing. You can check out the pictures in my Photobucket.
There's a kanji test next month, and I think im gunna take it. It'd be good to do.
As well, the JLPT is coming up in December. I'm planning on taking that, but I'm still deciding if I should do N5 (easiest) or N4 (slightly more difficult).
I've noticed that there's actually things to do here! In Newmarket, your choices were to either go to the movies or walk around the mall and consider buying crappy music/clothes. Here, you can go to the arcade, go to the beach, go shopping for cool things, go to the movies (which is in the mall), eat awesome food, do purikura, go to Kyoto/Osaka... the list goes on. I'm really enjoying it here.
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